Farewell, Geomon. ‘You are probably looking down from heaven above, sending out smiles with days of sunshine and showers of love’.
I request your prayers for my dear beloved friend GEOMON JOSEPH who passed away, a few hours ago, at Cambridge Royal Papworth Hospital.

He was an energetic and striving philanthropist; and a man of great vision and ideas. I personally know his elegance in his interactions and hospitality. He was only 45 years old and I considered him as my younger brother. We used to exchange our warmth and greetings always. I am deeply sad and write this with a heavy heart. Mr. Geomon Joseph was a very young and vibrant education entrepreneur, who served as Director of UK College of Business and Computing (UKCBC), which has many campuses around London as well as abroad. His abrupt departure alarms us the unexpected fright of swift turnings in life.
Geomon had a painful journey during the last five months. Since his family rang me to assist them through these turbulent times during the first week of April, I have been steadfastly striving along with his family for his recovery. Many efforts and interventions were efficaciously completed through various offices and clinical settings for his sophisticated treatment and clinical care. Withstanding all his odds, Geomon also put up a daring fight all these months. We were hoping that he will be on the road to recovery. But unfortunately, fate snatched him from our midst at the end. I anticipate that he may be in a much better place now, leaving his suffering behind. All departures are painful, yet, Geomon’s pre-mature passage instilled in me much grief since we were hoping to meet face to face soon.
Geomon’s departure is a great loss to the community. His Excellency Bishop Mathew Arackal, Bishop Jose Pulickal, Former Indian Minister Alphons Kannamthanam MP, and Anto Antony MP conveyed their personal condolences. His family asked me to pursue efforts for his repatriation as soon as possible, and we are working on it. The funeral will be at Kanjirapally, his native place in Kerala. I will update you on the funeral date and time through comments later. It is a sad moment for all of us.
May the Almighty give his dear wife Smitha and children, Neha, Neal, Catherine, and all his dear ones the strength to bear the big loss. The agony and difficulties of his family in India, especially his father, mother, sister Rani, and his other relatives and friends are also immeasurable. Words seem inadequate to comfort them. Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with them. Heartfelt condolences and prayers. May Geomon’s soul Rest in Peace.
There is a great emptiness left by Geomon’s passing, however, I feel that heaven may have required his attendance inexcusably. I recall the words of William Penn and Raymond “Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon, and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight”. Rabindranath Tagore in his poem also notes “Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.”
Farewell, Geomon. ‘You are probably looking down from heaven above, sending out smiles with days of sunshine and showers of love’.
ജിയോമോന് ഹൃദയാഞ്ജലി

Tom Aditya