1. Put your kids in
schools you can afford
because expensive
guarantee good
results. Just ensure
they attend a good
affordable school
2. Rent apartments you
can pay for
conveniently. Don’t live
in a house you struggle
to pay yearly.
3. Let’s plan our lives and
live within our means.
Save more and spend
4. Some women buy food
for their children every
morning before going
to school or even for
the whole family, do
you know it’s cheaper
to cook at home?
5. Some people don’t
earn much, but have
DSTV at home, go for
GOTV and upgrade
when your income
upgrades. It’s still the
same CNN anyway!
6. Eat healthy meals and
protect your family
from mosquitoes to
avoid going to the
hospital always.
7. Take advantage of
food and fruits in
season, its cheaper
and you can be
creative to create
amazing meals.
8.Don’t copy your
neighbor’s lifestyle,
she earns well and her
husband is a ‘big
9. Don’t follow trends,
wear clean well-
ironed clothes and
keep your hair neat.
You would still look
10. Keep your circle
small, keep only
friends that have
11. Above all things, have
the fear of God, have
integrity, don’t be lazy
and be prayerful.
12. Planning is the key, if
you fail to plan, you
are planning to FAIL.
13. Don’t do more than
your budget this
Time, there is no
award given to best
family that wore an
expensive cloth for
the year
14.Don’t be in
competition with
The purpose of shoes
and clothes are to
make us smart and