The meal packets were given to brothers, who needed it and could be found beside roads in many areas.

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Dr. Anil Kumar Chief Marketing Manager of Nice Chemicals Ltd learned from his son Sankar who was a student of Govt MTHSS kaloor, that food was being given once a week, to our team at kaloor and Sankar was giving food too.

The meal packets were given to brothers, who needed it and could be found beside roads in many areas. Anil Sir then had an idea to do the same thing, with the cooperation of his company staff…Food to be handed over to Sabu’s Love and Care movement.

Thus, it was started at Edapally, at his company….

.Another point of meals – collection….!!

And ten years have passed. Every year, once, he would arrange a brief stand together of his staff, as also a staff of the nearby company, Sterling Printers Pvt Limited…

.A simple gathering where Elsie Sabu and myself would also be invited, to say a few words. Well, it s happening this time too.

A big thank you to Dr. Anil, Venugopal of Sterling, the golden Godly staff of these two companies, who serve food…

God Bless You again and again. Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray—-

-says the Master.

Narayanan Raman Menon (N R Menon)

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