Unspoken Social Rules You Should Know…..|Treat others how you want to be treated.
.1. Don’t interrupt when someone is talking.
2. Don’t judge someone by their appearance. Many people have missed opportunities as a result of it.
3. Always respect someone’s personal space.
4. Never assume something about someone. Talk to them if you care.

5. Apologize when you’re wrong. The ego never adds anything valuable to you. Rather it subtracts.
6. Don’t talk badly about someone behind their back. It is a way of telling the audience you will do the same about them.

7. Be honest, even if it’s hard. And say No when it is not comfortable for you, even if it hurts.
8. Don’t gossip or spread rumors, even on social media.
9. Don’t stare or make inappropriate comments about people.

10. Treat others how you want to be treated.
11. Offer help when you can, but do not be compelled to do so.
12. Don’t let your anger control your actions.
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